Rose Harvest

Rose Harvest

Late October 2022 - a beautiful spring afternoon. It was a Saturday & my phone had just pinged with a message from a friend that she'd discovered a cascading Cecil Brunner rose bush in full aromatic bloom down a lane way not far from my house.

Quickly grabbing my basket & snips I set off with joy in my step!

As I came upon the end of the lane the smell hit me - more than a waft but a full enveloping sweet, feminine, heart healing embrace.

The blooms were in various states of unfurling & all so delicately exquisite, in so much abundance that my basket full, in the end was hardly a noticeable pilfering from this abandoned bush.

Back home I quickly set about tincturing these beauties to capture the fresh essence ready to add to my next batch of Rose In Bloom, a natural parfum which is all about this queen of flowers & the quiet ceremony of time to oneself, in the moment, stopping to smell the roses. 

Christiana x

You can read more about Rose In Bloom & purchase her here:

Rose in Bloom Natural Parfum – Mimosa Botanicals


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